在PADI教練課程和考試有一項叫Prescriptive teaching,也就是先給你一個問題,這個問題是從PADI的教材裡出的,包含OW到DM課本和考試本,也包含Project AWARE。會要你按照下面的大綱來上課:

Teaching Lesson Outline

Story(Have you ever......?)

Read the Question(Our objective today is to answer this question......)

Key Points(Read the Answer to the Question or Steps of the skill......)

Training Dive(We will apply this information in our Training Dive......)

Open your books to page---,ask any questions you may have, and take notes if you wish......

Body(Okay,so let’s talk about the correct answer to this question.)
Read the Question(Our question was:............?)

Explain the key points/answer......

Dive story(positive,happy story,problem solved....)

Local Environment(as an Open Water Diver in our local environment this is important because......)

Training Dive(We will apply or use this information in our Training Dive............)

Promote ConEd(There are two benefits to you as a diver when you take the specialty course. Those benefits are................................................................)

Promote Gear(If you own your own you could benefit in two ways.Those benefits are:............................................................................)

Summary:(So let’s summarize what we’ve just talked about.)

Training Dive(Remember, tomorrow we’ll do our training dive, and we’ll be practicing.......)

Question(So now we’ve been answered the question:.......................................?)

Key Points(The key pooints to understand are:...................................................)

Promote ConEd(There is another benefit to you as a diver when you take the specialty course. That benefit is:................................)

Promote Gear(If you own your own dive computer you could benefit in another way. The benefit is:..........................................................................)

    創作者 MagicFX 的頭像


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